Confezione 6 bottiglie Olio Extravergine Biologico Babbau

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A pack of 6 bottles of 0,75cl for the pantry of your home. "BABBAU" Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is synonymous with lightness and quality. Its intense flavor and its pleasant taste makes all the dishes exquisite for its light and never sour taste with an intense aroma.

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100,80 € tax incl.

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The production of extra-virgin olive oil from the Azienda Agricola Lorenzo Pumilia is absolutely guaranteed and followed by the choice of the cultivation system, to pruning, harvesting (hand-picking) at the right point of maturation and milling within a few hours of harvesting, aware that immediacy guarantees a high quality and precious oil. The oil thus obtained is stored in special hermetically sealed stainless steel containers and placed in the cellar, because it naturally decant and can preserve all its organoleptic properties unaltered, and then be bottled within our own company. Nature of the land, Cultivar, period and method of harvesting, immediacy of milling and conservation, characterize our oil.
Type: Organic - Blend
Category: Medium fruity
Variety: Biancollila di Caltabellotta
City of production: Caltabellotta (AG)
COLLECTION PERIOD: Beginning of October - end of November
Collection technique: Manual
Molitura: CONTINUOUS "COLD" CYCLE (within a few hours of collection)
Storage: In steel containers with no air inside and at a controlled temperature
Aciditò: 0.2 %%.
Quantity: 6 bottles of 0,75cl
Producer: Lorenzo Pumilia Agricultural Company

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