The More Extra Jam di Rovo is perfect for breakfast for the whole family, excellent for spreading on bread, rusks or for filling homemade tarts, or for use in the kitchen. A good, simple and natural jam.
Soft and tasty, the pear jam it is excellent for desserts and pies or in combination with cheeses seasoned and blue-veined, suitable accompaniment to bring for your aperitifs. Its flavor is soft, sweet and fine.
Sicilian blood orange jam, a concentrate of well-being and sweetness, which is impossible to resist! A jam where you can enjoy the pleasure of real Sicilian fruit and its extraordinary taste, whenever you want.
Sicilian figs extra jam is a food product with a unique and incredible flavor, a concentrate of well-being and sweetness, which is impossible to resist! A jam where you can enjoy the pleasure of real Sicilian fruit and its extraordinary taste, whenever you want.
From fragrant strawberries ripened in the sun in the valleys of Etna comes the delicious strawberry jam with a sweet taste and an intense aroma. Good, natural and perfect for breakfast to spread on rusks, suitable in combination with cheese or yogurt, or for an excellent and tasty cheesecake.
The extra mandarin jam dell’Etna is one of those genuine preserves that release all the taste of fresh ingredients, with its fabulous scent of sweet and very aromatic citrus and intense flavor naturally ripened in the Sicilian sun.
Extra Sicilian jams, with a unique and incredible flavor, a concentrate of well-being and sweetness, which is impossible to resist! Jams where you can enjoy the pleasure of real Sicilian fruit and its extraordinary taste, whenever you want.
Chestnut honey is obtained from chestnut flowers and is harvested between the months of June and October. It is a dark honey with an aromatic smell and a complex flavor. Known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it is a source of protein, vitamins B and C and mineral salts.
Typical Sicilian honey has the characteristics of the thyme plant, an aromatic herb par excellence with beneficial powers for the body. In fact, thyme honey has excellent balsamic and expectorant properties that calm coughs and help the healing of typical winter diseases.
Aledi creams are made with this Bronte pistachio that has a unique, aromatic and strong taste due to the land of Sicily and the favorable climate. It is also called "green gold"